Foster trust and collaboration through positive conversations

Did you know that positive conversations produce a chemical reaction in your brain? In a trusting conversation like the one between a coach and her client, the production of oxytocin, “the love hormone”, is activated which improves our ability to communicate, collaborate and trust others by activating networks in our prefrontal cortex. Sadly, oxytocin metabolizes very quickly, so its effects are not long-lasting.On the other hand, negative conversations also have an effect, when we are being criticized, rejected, or minimized, our bodies produce more cortisol, this hormone shuts down the thinking center of our brain and activates conflict aversion and protection behaviors, and we become more reactive and sensitive. We sense greater judgment and negativity than actually exists. Cortisol effects may last up to 26 hours or more, fixing the interaction on our memories and amplifying its impact on our future behavior.