Research on Corporate Governance
Practical Contributions of Applied & Organizational Neuroscience to Corporate Governance
Publishing House Virtus Interpress · Jun 8, 2023
Can corporate governance benefit and practically apply neuroscientific knowledge to enhance its effectiveness? And if such is the case, in which areas of corporate governance could we find a conjunction between applied neuroscience and corporate governance? This literature review on practical approaches of applied neuroscience, cognitive neuropsychology and organizational neuroscience to corporate governance intends to answer these queries.
CEOs, Organizations and Corporate Governance in Times of COVID-19: Narcissism and Integrated Psychopathy, the other Pandemic
Publishing House Virtus Interpress · Nov 19, 2020
This study explores the impact that CEOs, executives, and leaders with narcissistic traits, narcissist personality disorder, and/or with forms of integrated psychopathy have in organizations and communities during the pandemic of the coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Corporate Governance in Agile Organizations: A Path Dependency Scheme or a Source for Growth
Publishing House Virtus Interpress · May 25, 2020
This paper explores how formal institutionalized corporate governance frameworks are better suitable for conventional hierarchical organizations with a mental infrastructure that seeks control and stability. In contrast, people-centered enablement organizations also known as agile organizations may need a different set of corporate governance practices, one that has emerged not as a preventive control measure, but as fomenting strategy for development.